The virtual orchestra for Christmas?
So the question at the end of 2020 is “Christmas will you stay?” Meaning, Can we keep the spirit of this season going forward with us into 2021? This year we definitely need to create and maintain this sense of new hope.
This fall has been a crisis in the Arts with so many shutdowns and venues unable or more to the point unwilling to host arts groups even with safe practices. Bars and restaurants with random people in them unmasked are open each day but performing arts groups where everyone is far apart masked and air kept circulated with open doors and fans circulating fresh air is felt to be unsafe?
After the Shutdown in November, I was quite disheartened by it all. I decided we had to do another virtual project. I wanted to do something new and more contemporary in holiday music this year. I chose this new modern classic by Michael Mott to orchestrate and created a virtual ensemble recording with the Richmond Delta Youth Orchestra.
Thanks to Michael for his support in doing this, and for Monica Tamm for signing so beautifully for us.